Purebred doesn’t equal well-bred.

We are committed to promoting true-to-breed genetically sound dogs of excellent temperaments and suited for family life.

Are pedigree papers not enough?

Unfortunately, having “papers” in hand does not mean a dog is well-bred. Dogs that come from irresponsible and disreputable sources can be purebred. These dogs are often neglected, overbred, inbred, and the list goes on - and so the fact that a dog is or looks purebred to the uninitiated is no indication that it came from a reputable breeder. Due to neglect and inhumane breeding practices, dogs from unethical sources are also prone to developing serious health and behavioral problems that many unsuspecting owners are unaware of and ill-prepared to cope with.

Poorly bred isn’t an insult - but quality breeding matters.

There will always be variation within a breed - every dog is an individual, and well-rounded standards try to account for that. With that said, breed standards are still the official representation of what specific breeds should be both in physical appearance and temperament traits - and significant deviations are indictors that the puppy did not come from a reputable breeder committed to creating predictable, reliable dogs. Compounding this is that in most breeds, the poorly bred specimen are more commonly seen than the well-bred specimen, which leads the general public to think that the breed in question should look entirely different from what is actually correct.

Supporting responsible breeding does not mean that we think poorly bred or mixed dogs can’t be amazing, or believe some dogs deserve to be cared for more or less than others. On the contrary, wanting to create more well-bred dogs in the long run does mean that we understand the role of genetics in shaping our pets, and believe that responsible breeding is what allows owners to know what they are getting into by preserving predictable breed traits.

What then is a “well-bred” dog?

Reliability, reliability, reliability. A well-bred dog comes from parents who have had proper health testing, and come from proven lines. Their parents compete in some way and prove themselves to be a worthy example of the breed, and their breeders continuously strive for breed consistency and predictability. The appeal of a well-bred dog is that the breeders know their lines, and you will have a good sense of knowing what kind of puppy you will get.

Our puppies come from well-known breeders highly involved in show dog community (this means cross-checks are easily accessible!) - and these partner kennels go to great lengths to receive that their puppies receive the very best care. This includes meticulous planning, careful health testing, and active conformation showing to ensure validation of their purposeful breeding. When done right, getting a well-bred purebred means a reasonable guarantee of certain physical and behavioral traits you wish to see in your newest family member.

We do all the worrying, so you won’t have to.

How a puppy would fit into your home? Can a puppy live in an apartment? Will the puppy chew through furniture?

Many of our puppies live in apartments with their forever families. As long as the family is able to provide adequate mental and physical stimulation, our puppies do just fine living in apartments.

To help you better visualise how it would be like living with a puppy, our spacious premise is modelled after a fully-equipped home, where our puppies-in-training continue their journey of learning impeccable house manners. It is in this safe and supervised environment where they are socialised and taught how to properly interact with furniture, not to jump on the counter or root through trash.

What’s the right puppy for me?

We place puppies in homes based on the puppy’s individual temperament and the unique characteristics of each potential home. Our goal is to give each puppy the best chance of thriving, and the right match goes a long way to help create success. A quiet puppy will be overwhelmed in a household bustling with many young children, just as a “busy”, super-confident puppy might not be suitable for a first-time puppy owner.

We are happy to note personal preference, but ask potential homes to keep an open mind when it comes to choosing a puppy. Whether its a boy or girl, calm or spirited, we promise the puppy breath smells just as sweet!

No middlemen, ever.

Puppy mils exist in all parts of the world- never for a second assume any source (especially European ones) is “better” just because someone tells you so. Middlemen (often referred to as “local” teams) profitability depends on puppies actually being sold - guidelines or not, their involvement presents a de facto conflict of interest which compromises the welfare of each puppy. For that reason, we prefer to work directly with each kennel, insist on full papers, and personally handpick each puppy that comes to Singapore.

Whatever facet of the “doggy world” you are interested in, whether it be in the showring, the field, or just having that special best friend in your life, as long as you are enjoying your dog, then that is what it is all about. Our dogs have brought so much joy in our lives and if we can pass that joy on to others through our puppies, then the journey has been worthwhile.